Feel the Wind/Standing on Their Shoulders

Rakubrent og elektrisk brent leire, jern, ståltråd.

Fjær fra min mormors piassava-kost og min farmors hattepynt.

«…but I know that I am so much more than just Myself. With every breath I take, with every heartbeat, - I am the Snow and the Ice and the Wild Grouse, I am the violently beautiful Northern Light that clath in green dances like flames over the jaggered mountains in the deep of winter; I am the Midnight Sun and the Endless Summer Nights by the ocean; laughing and chanting by the bonfire, stealing kisses in the shadows, -


I am the Ancient Traditions that have been weaving their net for thousands of years across the isolated villages in the deep valleys, hidden in the forests, in the bottom of the fjords, on the barren planes in the north or clinging to a mountain side like nimble-feeted goats; I am Thor and Odin with wild eyes and lifted arms, roaring across the sky in their mythical chariot; rulig this People of the North with cunning and unpredictable moodswings, -


I am my parents, my grandparents and everyone before me. They live through me, in me, with me. They breath memories into my soul of things that happened long before me. Things I never knew, but cannot forget. I step out of Myself, and look back at Me. And I see that I am but a part of a whole. But the heart pounding in my chest is my own. I am writing my own Book of History, with blank pages opening up to me every day. Some of the pages already have a sketch on them. Some have two or three. Sometimes all seems blurred and unclear, and I stumble. But there is room for change, to ajust; draw new lines. And the Voice in my heart never lets me forget that on each new path I walk down – for each page I turn – I must bring All of Me along. All the realms of my soul must have room to unfold themselves; to explore the past and the present and the future in Me.»